You can offer hurting kids the hope of Christ!

We live in a culture that seems to be increasingly confusing and chaotic for kids. What’s even more tragic than the violence, anger and hatred we see on the news is the reality that many children face those things in their own homes on a daily basis.
You have an opportunity to offer those children the one thing that can make a difference in their lives: the hope of Jesus Christ!
Lamentations 3:21-22 says, “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end...” This is the hope we have the privilege of sharing with disadvantaged boys and girls at Youth Haven! That no matter what they’re going through, God is with them, and His love for them will never end.
One of those children who found that hope is Zoey.*
When Zoey first came to Youth Haven five years ago, she was eight years old and had been in and out of foster homes for most of her life. Some of those foster homes were not good situations for Zoey, and she experienced the instability of being shifted from place to place.
Youth Haven became a safe, stable place for her in the midst of constant change and uncertainty. Her needs were met. She was able to let go of some of the things she had been struggling with and just have fun. She built relationships with our staff and other kids who were also going through hard times. She was loved. And she learned about the love and hope of Jesus. During one visit, she made a decision to follow Him!
A few years ago, Zoey was adopted by a relative, and it looked like she might finally be in a home where she was loved and cared for. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Although her living conditions at this home are better than before, she has continued to suffer silently through emotional abuse and neglect. Recently while she was at Youth Haven, she opened up to her team leader and shared that a social worker had come to the house and an investigation was taking place. Zoey also overheard her adoptive mom telling a friend she wanted to unadopt her. She confided that she is afraid of being taken away. She said she just wants a parent and to be loved.
I’m so grateful Youth Haven is here for Zoey and other children like her! I’m grateful she feels comfortable enough to be honest about the hurt and fear she’s feeling, and that we can support and encourage her through it. Most of all, I’m grateful we can assure her that God will be with her wherever she goes, and He will never, ever stop loving her.
I’m also incredibly grateful for friends like you. Because the truth is, Youth Haven wouldn’t be able to continue this important mission without your help. We provide all of our programs free of charge for Zoey and other children facing hardships, because we know they wouldn’t be able to participate if they had to pay for their time with us. We’re also not funded by state or federal support.
Your gifts, prayers, and volunteer service are what make it possible for us to offer hurting kids love, stability, and the life-changing hope of Christ!
As we enter the busy summer season, we couldn’t be more excited to welcome disadvantaged children to our campuses. We believe God has great things in store for those kids, and we’re blessed to be part of His plan for their lives. Perhaps you are part of that plan, too.
Would you please prayerfully consider a special gift to Youth Haven to help more children like Zoey feel safe and loved this summer? They need to know “the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” That’s the only way they can ever truly have hope.
Thank you for your faithful support!
Your Mission Partner, Lars Carlson
President & CEO
*name changed for confidentiality
