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Jay's Story

Jay* was born addicted to drugs as a result of his mom’s drug use during her pregnancy. With his dad in prison and his mom struggling with addiction, the first few years of his life were unstable. His needs weren’t always met, and he was shifted from place to place.

By the time his aunt and uncle were awarded legal guardianship, he had faced seven years of neglect and instability. He had witnessed drug abuse and other harmful behaviors no child should be exposed to.

Jay’s aunt knew he needed positive role models and fun childhood experiences. He needed to see that his life was not defined by the hardships in his past. And she knew Youth Haven could help provide that.

Jay first got involved in our programs when he was eight years old and attended a week of summer camp. He had a great time swimming, riding bikes, playing games, and doing all kinds of fun activities with the other boys on his team.

Our theme that summer was “Limitless,” and he learned that the same God who created the universe with His limitless power also has a limitless love for his children — including Jay. He went home at the end of the week with his very own copy of the Youth Haven Trailbook, a custom Bible with full-color pages that explain the ABC’s of salvation, how to read the Trailbook, and other helpful hints for new readers.

Since that first visit, Jay has received regular newsletters, booklets and activity sheets from us in the mail, encouraging him to read his Trailbook and learn from it. By the time he came to Youth Haven the second time, he told us he had accepted Christ as his Savior!

Youth Haven has become a steady positive influence in Jay’s life thanks to the gifts and prayers of friends like you. He’s forming new memories filled with fun, security, and love. And he’s discovered the life-changing love of God!

*Name changed for confidentiality


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