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Timmy's Story

You can be the hero who gives an unreached child hope this summer!

Dear Friend:


This summer, you could be the one who gives hope to a child who feels lost and forgotten.


Kids in our nation today face a new set of challenges that threaten their physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. They aren't being reached with the Gospel, but more than that, they are being bombarded with ideas that are contrary to biblical truth. They are being taught to put themselves and their own happiness above everyone and everything else, and that "truth" can be whatever they want it to be.


The problem is, it's impossible to find lasting peace and joy without the absolute truth of the Gospel! When children encounter abuse, abandonment, violence, poverty, or other hardships, they don't know where to turn. Without the truth of Jesus' love and sacrifice for them, they are left confused and without hope. 


You can change that! When you give to Youth Haven, you make it possible for an unreached child to experience the life-giving hope of the Gospel. A child like Timmy.*


Timmy was removed from his mother's care due to the fact that it was no longer safe for him to live with her. He and his younger sister were placed in the custody of their step-father, but he turned them over to the state's custody just five months later. It was discovered he had been abusive to the children and their mother. Their second placement was also temporary, and Timmy struggled with the lack of stability and care in his life.


Fortunately, when they were placed in the care of a single foster parent, the foster care licensing agency recommended Youth Haven. His foster mother reached out to ask if Timmy could receive a scholarship to attend our on-site adventures. She wrote, "This loss of his mother and then subsequently his step-father has been really hard on him because he is a boy who needs a male role-model."


She added, "Timmy would benefit from a fun week or weekend with other children his age having a 'camp' experience. Additionally, Timmy is ambivalent about getting committed to Jesus because it's new to him and he currently sees Sundays as the 'worst' days because he doesn't get to play video games on that day."


When Timmy came to Youth Haven, he experienced a whole new world of fun activities, friendships, and the great outdoors. Our staff helped him feel safe and provided the positive role models he needed. In this environment, he was open to hearing more about Jesus, and he accepted Christ as his Savior during that first visit! Since then, Timmy has returned multiple times and engaged with our programs at home, through the mail and on our kids' website. He is continuing to grow in his knowledge and faith in Jesus, and this summer he and his younger sister are both scheduled to attend a week of summer camp!


Timmy found hope because of heroes like you, who helped provide the financial resources necessary for him to attend our on-site programs and receive the mailings and care packages we send as part of our at-home experiences. He needs your continued support, and many other children need our help as well!


Please prayerfully consider a special gift to give an unreached child hope this summer. All children participate in our programs free of charge, and we are not funded by state or federal support. These opportunities are made possible for kids like Timmy only through the faithful giving of caring people like you. Thank you for being a hero!


For the Children, 

Lars Carlson

President & CEO


*Name changed for confidentiality

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