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Dark Wood Panels

this summer!

You can be the

who gives



   an unreached

We're more than a camp for at-risk children.

We're a part of their lives.


Our mission is to provide life-changing, Christ-centered experiences for disadvantaged children. We do this through both on-site and off-site programs all year long. We love having the kids with us in Michigan and Arizona for our camps and retreats! And our at-home programs meet the needs of children all over the United States, sharing God's love with them through care packages, letters and cards, mailed activities, a full online ministry, and more. All of this is provided to disadvantaged children free of charge. Your support changes the lives of deserving kids!

What's Happening at Youth Haven


Urgent Need:

Give a Child Water!

Arizona Well Replacement $120,000 Need!

Please prayerfully consider how you can help!


Your Gifts at Work:

Timmy's Story

This summer, you could be the one who gives hope to a child who feels lost and forgotten.

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Michigan Candlelight Dinners

You are invited to join us at the Michigan campus September 27 or 29 for our Candlelight Dinners!

Sign up for our prayer team and we'll send you some of our children's first names so you can pray for them. Thank you for your prayers!

Learn More 
Click the images for more information!
Get Involved
Click the images to see how you can help!
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